Who Gets to Make the Arrangements For Your Cremation Services in Waxhaw, NC?
Under most circumstances, it is the next of kin that gets to make the arrangements for your cremation services in Waxhaw, NC. But what if you decide that you want someone who serves in a non next-of-kin role to make the arrangements? Some of the people who could serve in this role include a close friend of yours or an executor of your estate. Or if you have a few children, you might ask one of them to make the cremation arrangements to simplify things in the days after your death.
Oklahoma Legal Requirements
If you’re not familiar with the legal process, you might think that all you need to get cremation services in Waxhaw, NC after you die is write your wishes on a piece of paper and tell a close friend where to find it should something happen. But for the most part, this will not work in a legal sense. In Oklahoma, text must meet certain requirements to pass legal restrictions.
In most cases, the text has to be created before the time of death and also has to be signed by a notary public. Depending on the circumstances, other requirements might also need to be in place. If you want a certain person to make cremation arrangements for you in the event of your death, first check the current version of Oklahoma law. Ensure that you fill out all required forms while you are alive so that no delays occur at the time of death.
Other Topics to Consider
Determining the type of disposition: On the form that you will fill out, including the method of disposition that you prefer. Some common disposition methods include body donation, direct cremation, traditional burial, as well as other types.
Consulting an attorney: Hire an estate planning attorney when making arrangements for your cremation. Your friends and family might serve as a good source for competent estate planning professionals. But don’t be afraid to cast your net wider when it comes to looking for this member of your team. Determining your disposition method and who will make the arrangements for all of this is of the utmost importance while you’re alive. Don’t hesitate to perform this vital task.
Make your wishes known: Don’t just write your wishes down, put them in a file, and then promptly forget about them. Give copies to the people who are named in the paperwork, as well as other family members. If you have caregivers or live in a care facility, also give a copy to the administration.
Whether you’re the spouse, the child, or a nontraditional next of kin of the deceased, planning cremation services in Waxhaw, NC will be a difficult affair. Allow the friendly and respectful staff at Heritage Funeral and Cremation Services to shoulder some of the burdens for you and your family. From contacting the next of kin to authorize a direct cremation to telling you and your family about all of your burial options, we are here for you at this trying and difficult time. For more information, call or visit our Waxhaw, NC facility during our normal business hours.